Friday, December 23, 2005

What this Canadian Election needs is Gonzo journalism

While listening to the debates, and reading Canadian media I think we need more Gonzo Journalism.

First, let me begin by defining Gonzo journalism.

Gonzo journalism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Gonzo journalism is a journalistic style, most famously used by Hunter S. Thompson. The term gonzo was first applied to Thompson's writing in 1970 by Bill Cardoso, a Boston Globe reporter who claimed the word had originated with the Irish in South Boston to describe the last man standing at the end of an all-night drinking marathon. Central to gonzo journalism is the notion that journalism can be more truthful without strict observance of traditional rules of factual reportage. The best work in the genre is characterized by a novelistic twist added to reportage, with usual standards of accuracy subordinated to catching the mood of a place or event. The reporter and the quest for information are central, with other considerations taking a back seat.

Gonzo journalism is an extension of the New Journalism championed by Tom Wolfe, Lester Bangs, and George Plimpton. "I don't get any satisfaction out of the old traditional journalist's view—'I just covered the story. I just gave it a balanced view,'" Thompson said in an interview for Atlantic Unbound. "Objective journalism is one of the main reasons American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long. You can't be objective about Nixon. How can you be objective about Clinton?"

In Thompson's work, there is frequently a distorted viewpoint brought on by the author's consumption of drugs and alcohol (usually recorded in the article for posterity), but gonzo journalism is not about using drugs and alcohol. It has been said that it can and may have been used to support drug and alcohol usage with the premise of writing about an experience.

In literary terms, "gonzo" has been described by Douglas Brinkley as requiring virtually no re-writing, frequently employing scribbled notes, transcribed interviews, and verbatim telephone conversations. Other writers whose work may be categorized as "gonzo" include P. J. O'Rourke, and James Corkern. Some of the precursors to gonzo can be found in the writings of Kurt Vonnegut.

What is up with the Canadian press. Don't they know that nobody cares about this election. They take the campaign WAY to seriously.

Let's take a step back for a moment. Why are we having this election? It has to do with POWER. Some parties have it other parties want it. The minority parties are striking while the iron is hot. If they don't act now they miss their window of opportunity.

But how will this play out. My prediction is that the results will be more or less the same given a seat here a seat there.

During debates candidates never answer the question. Instead they turned every question into an attack on the Liberals. That doesn't tell me anything about where they stand.

We've got to do something. This is getting out of control. Am I the only one who feels this way? I don't think so, I heard the questions Canadians asked the candidates during the debates. We're not stupid.

In respect for Hunter S. Thompson would somebody do their goddamn job. What would Hunter say about this current situtation. Hunter S. Thompson aided with copious amounts of LSD, ether, adrenochrome, marijuana and other drugs would say "paper" or "plastic". Are these candidates for real. I have to pinch myself, is this really happening?

Canadians just weathered a decade of wasteful, corrupt, dishonest Liberal swines gorging themselves at the trough. The joke is on us, the Liberals lead the polls. What are we...STUPID. This is up there with the type of stupidity that gets people killed. It's worthy of a Darwin Award.

We are too busy debating whether Todd Bertuzzi or Shane Doan should make the Canadian Olympic team. It's like an Opium den around here. People lie around smoking these great big pipes drowing their everyday worries thorugh intoxication.

I'm ressurecting the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson to shake people out of this coma.


Do you want to live through another 10 years of sedation.



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